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FORECOMON 2025 - The 12th Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Conference

On the pulse of European Forests

40 years of forest monitoring – from air pollution to climate change

Dresden, Germany
19-21 May 2025

Background. During 40 years, ICP Forests has monitored the condition of European forests. Launched in 1985 in the frame of the UNECE Air Convention, the main focus of ICP Forests has been effects of air pollution on forests. Air pollution has since then been reduced, also thanks to evidence from studies under the Air Convention. Meanwhile, climate change has become a major environmental concern and now poses a threat not only to forest health and wood production, but also to biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and a wider range of ecosystem services. With its flexible monitoring structure, ICP Forests has responded to these challenges and was able to detect the effects of climate change and climatic extremes as well as the interactions with air pollution on European forests. What have we learnt from these studies? How have our forests responded to changed environmental conditions? How is their resilience? How do they respond to the current situation with multiple stressors? Can we further develop our monitoring systems, and how?

Goal. By seeking answer to the above questions, the goal of FORECOMON 2025 is to mark the 40th anniversary of ICP Forests and present the temporal developments in air pollution and climate change, and in forest ecosystem responses. The conference will also highlight how the experience gathered by forest monitoring systems, and by ICP Forests in particular, may support forest management and the development of future monitoring activities. Besides scientists, decision and policy makers and other stakeholders are welcome to join the discussions of results, opportunities and needs of future forest monitoring.

Excursion. The conference excursion will take us to the Ore Mountains, one of the most severe hot spots of the so-called forest decline. Among other topics, we will see how long-term forest monitoring may support the development and assessment of forest management practices.

Welcome! We welcome contributions addressing long-term perspectives on forest monitoring of air pollution and climate change pressures and responses, and how this knowledge can support the future development of resilient forests that fulfill the various functions and services to society.

FORECOMON 2025 will take place from 19-21 May 2025 in Dresden, Germany, and is followed by the 41st Task Force Meeting of ICP Forests on 22-23 May 2025.

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