Conference Programme
Opening and keynote talk
Moderator: Lars Vesterdal
09:00 – 09:05 // Opening of FORECOMON 2025 (Lars Vesterdal)
09:05 – 09:10 // Welcome by the Chair of ICP Forests (Marco Ferretti)
09:10 – 09:40 // Keynote talk: Interactive effects of climate extremes and nitrogen deposition on European forests: Bridging tree and ecosystem responses (Rossella Guerrieri)
09:40 – 09:50 // Questions
Session 1 - Long-term forest ecosystem processes as affected by air pollution and climate change
Moderator: Vit Sramek
09:50 - 10:05 // Waldner et al.: Trends of inorganic nitrogen and non-marine sulphate concentrations in soil solution on ICP Forests Level II plots and their relations to trends in atmospheric deposition
10:05 - 10:20 // Novotny et al.: Long-term monitored Norway spruce stands in the Ore Mountains – 30 years of defoliation, soil chemistry and tree nutrition development
10:20 - 10:35 // Jacob et al.: Intensive forest monitoring in the former acid rain hotspot - Impact of declining acid inputs on litterfall over 30 years at Level II sites in Saxony (Germany)
10:35 - 10:50 // Wohlgemuth et al.: Drought conditions could exacerbate nitrogen and phosphorus imbalances in main European tree species
10:50 - 11:20 // Coffee break
11:20 - 12:00 // Poster pitch, part I (Moderator: Stefan Fleck)
12:00 - 12:10 // Schmidt-Walther et al.: Model-based assessment of long-term trends in the water balance of ICP Forests Level II plots
12:10 - 12:20 // Heinecke et al.: The subtle effects of soil nutrients: Deciduous forests show advanced budburst in more fertile sites across Europe
12:20 - 12:30 // Christiansen et al.: Nitrogen leaching from afforested soils in Denmark over 30 years 12:30 - 12:40 // Carrasco-Molina et al.: Risk assessment of Spanish forests based on the revised empirical critical loads and calculated response curves
12:40 - 12:50 // Further questions to all Session 1 speakers
Session 2 - Novel methods and monitoring approaches to support the development of resilient forests
Moderator: Marcus Schaub
13:50 - 14:05 // Bussotti et al.: Crown defoliation and tree physiology: hints for a field assessment
14:05 - 14:20 // Guidi et al.: Modelling soil carbon stocks across European forests using forest monitoring data
14:20 - 15:00 // Poster pitch, part II (Moderator: Nathalie Cools)
15:00 - 15:30 // Coffee break
15:30 - 15:40 // Stadelman et al.: Potentials and limitations of using remote sensing to determine Leaf Area Index (LAI)
15:40 - 15:50 // Marusic et al.: The role of fertilization in improving drought resilience and photosynthetic recovery of European beech saplings
15:50 - 16:00 // Scanu et al.: Monitoring of Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) dieback and mortality in central and southern Italy
16:00 - 16:10 // Ribemont et al.: A potential yet to be expressed: exploring the response of ground vegetation Dark Diversity to changes in soil C/N in the RENECOFOR network
16:10 - 16:20 // Further questions to all session 2 speakers
Mentimeter survey - and end of orals
16:20 - 16:45
Poster session with refreshments
16:45 - 18:00
Posters Session 1 - Long-term forest ecosystem processes as affected by air pollution and climate change
1 // Adame et al.: Understanding of abiotic and biotic stresses in Spanish forests: Drivers and dynamics
2 // Bel-Venner et al.: Understanding masting to forecast its future under climate change: lessons from a 14-year survey network of temperate oak reproduction in the French ICP Forests Level II
3 // Bertini et al.: Impacts of climate change on species composition: a case study in Italy
4 // Bolla et al.: Hydro-meteorological measuring system for the long-term treatment of forest stands
5 // Češljar et al.: Will the extremely dry and hot year of 2024 affect increased forest decline?
6 // Čihák et al.: The effect of liming on the condition of forest soils in the western Ore Mountains
7 // Cuciurean et al.: Environmental influences on tree growth in Level II ICP Plots from Romania: A decadal perspective
8 // Dobre et al.: Romanian ICP Level II in NEC Reporting: plots and parameters
9 // Dobre et al.: Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Impact on Forest Health in Romania: A Long-term Analysis of ICP Forests Monitoring Data
10 // Fadrhonsová et al.: Development of atmospheric deposition and soil chemistry in the Black Triangle region
11 // Fleck et al.: Intra- and inter-annual course of canopy leaf area of four major tree species in Europe
12 // Gollobich et al.: Comparison of open land precipitation regimes with forest stand precipitation regimes and estimation of interception rates on 3 ICP Forest core plots in Eastern Austria
13 // Jakovljević et al.: Assessment of nitrogen deposition in different Mediterranean Forest Types along the Eastern Adriatic Coast following ICP Forests methodology
14 // Kinis et al.: Comparison of deposition means for conifers in Türkiye, 2017-2022
15 // Knapp et al.: ForestPulse: Towards a national remote sensing-based forest information system for tree species, vitality and structure in Germany
16 // Marcis et al.: Picea abies and Pinus cembra at high altitudes show different growth reaction to rising temperatures: study from the Western Carpathian subalpine forests
17 // Meusburger et al.: Swiss trends in Atmospheric Deposition and Effects on Soil Water Quality and Tree Nutrition
18 // Nieminen et al.: Nitrate concentrations in soil solution on a Finnish ICP Forests Level II plot in relation to forest management activities
19 // Papitto et al.: LIFE MODERn(NEC): air quality the response of ecosystems
20 // Ruiz Checa et al.: Nitrogen deposition and cycling in holm oak forests: Seasonal dynamics, canopy interactions and soil losses
21 // Saranay Kayar et al.: Temporal Carbon Stock Changes in Çamkoru Research Forest and ICP Forests Level II Site
22 // Schumacher et al.: Atmospheric deposition as a source of nutrients in Pinus taeda plantations in southern Brazil
23 // Selek et al.: Visible ozone injury assessment in Turkish forests
24 // Thimonier et al.: Darker forests, poorer understorey vegetation: Changes in forest vegetation over 25 years at Swiss Level II sites
25 // Yurdabak et al.: Throughfall and bulk deposition in different stands of the Western Black Sea region of Türkiye
26 // Žemaitis et al.: 28-year of forest development in a Norway spruce dominated forest reserve: bark beetles and wind as the main drivers
27 // Zolles et al.: Assessing thermal comfort during summer: Open land vs. stand measurements
Posters Session 2 - Novel methods and monitoring approaches to support the development of resilient forests
28 // Abdoli et al.: Species-Specific Water-Stress Responses in Coniferous and Deciduous Trees: Insights from Sap Flow and Hysteresis Analysis
29 // Chivulescu et al.: Forecasting Forest Management Scenarios for Climate Mitigation: Insights from the LTER Bucegi-Piatra Craiului Site, Romania
30 // Galić et al.: Carbon Dioxide Emission from Soil in Pedunculate Oak Forests on Level II Monitoring Plot in Serbia
31 // Gartner et al.: Relationship between transpiration dynamics of a beech (Fagus sylvatica) stand and stream water levels in a small catchment area
32 // Gimpel et al.: Automated soil water sampling on ICP Forests plots in Austria
33 // Gnilke et al.: Integrating remote sensing in forest monitoring: potentials and limitation
34 // González-Cascon et al.: SensoFOREST, a pilot study to monitor Mediterranean open forest through integrated observation systems
35 // Horváth et al.: Zoological pilot project in Hungarian forest reserves
36 // Hůnová et al.: Rime as an important deposition pathway in mid-altitude mountain forests of Central Europe
37 // Koch et al.: Drought damage to forest trees by hygroscopic aerosols?
38 // Krüger et al.: Monitoring change, securing consistency: the future of intensive forest monitoring in Germany
39 // Magnabosco Marra et al.: Forest vulnerability and responses to compound disturbances: Insights from a near-real-time monitoring platform
40 // Magnani et al.: Estimating canopy N concentration from PRISMA and Sentinel-2 imagery for improved representation of forest conditions and C cycle
41 // Marra et al.: Flux-Based Approach for Assessing Ozone Visible Foliar Injury in the Alps
42 // Mayer et al.: Monitoring Transpiration via Sap-Flow Measurements: Hands-On Testing at Level II Sites
43 // Mc Kenna et al.: Ground-truthing of satellite-based forest condition products using precise tree positions
44 // Molnár et al.: Forest condition assessment on ICP Forests Level I plots in Hungary using Sentinel-2 satellites
45 // Oertel et al.: Implementation of the German Forest Peatland Monitoring Program for Climate Protection
46 // Petzold et al.: The soil moisture traffic light – A information system for near-real-time monitoring of soil moisture and climate in forests
47 // Popa et al.: Tree growth patterns in level II ICP Forests plots from Romania based on 15 years of bi-monthly band dendrometer measurements
48 // Romer et al.: Current research at the ICP Integrated Monitoring (ICP IM) site, Neuglobsow
49 // Sanders et al.: Precision in Forest Monitoring: A Comparitive Analysis of Dendrometers
50 // Szabó et al.: High-Frequency Groundwater Measurement: A Tool for Monitoring Root-Groundwater Connections
51 // Szabó et al.: Carbon Sequestration Potential of Woody Shelterbelt Systems
52 // Tikvić et al.: Criteria and indicators of tree, stand and forest ecosystem vitality in Croatia